About Us

About Us

The Yash Foundation was registered as a Public charitable trust, started the Integrated Community Development Programmers, an approach that seeks to turn slums into vibrant neighborhoods.
Jan lakshay trust is basically based on 'To cure childrens and provide them better life with better treatments and education. We mobilize support to save, protect and rebuild lives of the poorest of poor affected by crisis and humanitarian disasters. To dedicate their time, resources and skills in reaching out to those women's and children's in need, irrespective of their CASTE, CREED and STATUS.

Our Motive

The Yash Foundation believe in human capacity of persons to manage The Yash Foundation programs in their communities. Communities co-invest with The Yash Foundation and supporters for the programmers, deciding and implementing them. We engages institutions, corporate and individuals throughout the world as partners and supporters of integrated development in India.
Join us as we fight discrimination today to end it for good.